One monthly bill showing all resident charges and fees. Bi-directional integration with your property management software. Full page, postcard, and electronic bill presentment options.
By making us your billing partner in the multi-family residential and commercial convergent billing process, you will engage in the Beyond Billing experience, exceeding all of your convergent billing needs with features that give you more options and control than ever before.
Clients who select our UnityMarketing™ service will receive polished marketing products to effectively present their brand. We provide beautiful websites created for your organization and its properties. Our websites also come with built in SEO tools and online editing features to give you full control over content, edits, style, and updates. The websites created by UnityMarketing™ are responsive for mobile, and fully integrated with your property management software.
Whatever form of payment action your tenant settles on, be it online via e-check or credit card, pay cash at one of the 30,000+ national payment centers, or send us a check or money order through the mail; you will receive your funds quickly and accurately, deposited directly into your back account through our secure gateway.
UnityProspect™ is our online lead to lease service that enables potential residents to see current unit availability and pricing at your property. After deciding on which space meets their needs, your prospective residents are able to complete an application online through our prospect portal.
By engaging in our resident service feature—UnityResident™ your residents are able to access services through our resident portal.
This online portal enables residents to make maintenance requests, received notifications, make payments, and participate in community messaging. UnityResident™ presents a quick and effective way for your residents to take care of any of their maintenance, postage, communication, or payment needs. It puts control in the hands of your resident to manage their own activity—eliminating needless office visits and property manager involvement.